WEInstitute administration
The Staff of the WEInstitute include an executive level of administration assisted by the coordination and expertise of regional and programmatic directors. The focus regions where the WEInstitute operates include the Middle East and North Africa (MENA region), the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC region), and South East Europe (SEE region), the East African region and the Southeast Asia regions. The programmatic areas include program development for partnerships with international organizations, intercultural relations, judicial development, educational programming development, institutional business development, inclusive programming development and inter-governmental affairs.
Major General (Ret.) Charles E. Tucker, Jr., J.D.
Dr. Karen Hunt Ahamed, Ph.D.
Deputy executive Director

- Karen Hunt Ahmed is Assistant Professor of Finance and Management at DePaul University. She received a BA and MBA from Washington University in St. Louis and an MA and Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. She has worked in the banking sector in Chicago and in private equity in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. She is currently teaching Islamic Finance, Microfinance and Business Ethics at DePaul University’s College of Commerce. Her research interests include culture and identity, financial empowerment, Islamic finance, microfinance, globalization, and the sociocultural implications of business practice; she is working on an edited volume entitled Contemporary Islamic Finance. Dr. Hunt Ahmed is a Faculty Fellow of DePaul’s Egan Urban Center and serves on the advisory committee of DePaul’s Center for Financial Services. She serves as Treasurer of the Board of Refugee One and is a member of the Board of Haven Youth Services in Wilmette, IL. She is the President of Chicago Islamic Microfinance Project, a not for profit economic development organization that provides Shari'a compliant microcredit to entrepreneurs in Chicago. Karen lives in Wilmette with her daughters and enjoys karate. She lived in Dubai for many years and has traveled extensively in the Middle East, Pakistan, Africa and Europe.
Mrs. Sawsan Alfayez
Mr. Eldin Kajevic, M.B.A.
Lawrence H. (Larry) Rubly, M.A., M.S., M.B.A.
Prof. Patricia A. Szczerba, M.A.