WEInstitute Locations
Our loop office is located in Chicago, Illinois. The Chicago region offers unique opportunities for engaging with international nongovernmental organizations (INGOs), community-based organizations (CBOs), and trans-national corporate headquarters (e.g. Boeing, Abbott, AON, McDonald's). WEInstitute endeavors to expand our region’s international career opportunities and institutional collaborations. Thanks to the collaboration and support of our international partners, the WEInstitute also maintains a presence in various countries including: Italy (Arezzo, Tuscany); Croatia; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Vietnam; and Jordan.
Mail addresses
For career opportunities applications or to register for our training programs please refer to the APPLICATION PAGE and follow the instruction. Please read carefully the CAREER PAGE before applying or contacting the Institute with unsolicited requests. For other information and inquiries please refer to the specific email contact below.
Social Networks
WEInstitute Facebook
WEInstitute’s Facebook page is primarily dedicated to peer-to-per social networking, but also serves as a platform for advertising upcoming events and sharing important news related media. |
World Engage Twitter
WEInstitute’s Twitter connects us to the social networks of international organizations and nongovernmental organizations with missions related to our core values. |
WEInstitute LinkedIn Group
WEInstitute's Linkedin group serves as a platform for posting job opportunities and connecting talented professionals with projects and discussion topics related to our mission.
Request to connect to the WEInstitute's LinkedIn Group https://www.linkedin.com/company/world-engagement-institute/ |
WEInstitute Google+
The Google + account for the WEInstitute serves as a connection through videos and hangouts with our associates. WEI also shares some news and announcements on Google +
https://plus.google.com/weinstituteorg |
WEInstitute YouTube Channel
WEInstitute YouTube Channel features video interviews to associates on themes connected to the mission and work of the organization. WEInstitute YouTube Channel